Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our first...11 days of going GREEN

These first days have been (how can I say this) hectic, no, more like CRAZY! most of my family has been sick- so I have been making tons of hankies.
I tried our first organic meal last night AND it was good! Even my oldest son ate Brussel Sprouts!!!! the recipe found here-
is AWESOME! I personally don't like brussel sprouts either but Oh my goodness...I ate too many! Go ahead try the recipe I promise it will change your mind!
I went shopping for the first time yesterday on my quest to save the Earth one plastic bag at a time- it is not easy to find and buy things without a lot of plastic on them! Some of you may be lucky to live near Farmers Markets and Organic Shops...Not us! But I feel like I did pretty good buying organic and things to make food from scratch. Our pantry is changing over...I will post pics soon! For this first almost 2 weeks we have been cleaning out the junk food and processed, pre-packaged foods! So we have probably gained a few pounds...LOL So yesterday was our first official day of eating Organic and also stocking the kitchen with good for us foods!
All and all- it has been a real learning experience for me:
BTW did you know that Plastic is not good for kids to eat out of!!??? this was news to me- I know I am "Green" with all this Green stuff- but this info shocked me! I thought I was a mom in the know but, apparently not! So I am off to purchase these great sippy cups for my 3 year old DD-
Now, I have not done tons of research on BPA in plastic but reading what I have so far, makes me want to change a few things!
Does anyone know where you can get Stainless steel kids bowls and plates???
Today I am also going to work on my stay tuned for the addy and the new look! this may take me a while...LOL

My plans... One Plastic Bag at a Time!

Well, with the New Year 2009 here I started thinking...and looking around my house!
Wow- what I saw amazed me! There was so much plastic and paper laying around just waiting to be thrown away. So after looking around at all that our family was contributing to the mess of our earth - I did what I always do: search the web! I found out so many things about plastic (to my horror) and all the paper we waste (those poor trees)
Now... I can not go full force into the world of GREEN it would be financially impossible for our family but I can make small choices to change the world one plastic bag at a time!
So I started by getting some canvas shopping totes (and embroidering them) to take with me grocery shopping... as days went on- I swapped other things out: 100 % cotton cloth napkins, 100% cotton muslin hankies... I made dish rags and kitchen towels (to avoid buying paper) and started buying things without plastic. Which is not easy BTW! I also tried to go Organic... buying organic material, food, and other products. Also not an easy thing where I live. Thank the Lord for the internet!
I have had an online boutique for a while now, I do embroidery on a commercial machine but in my home-and I decided that I would change things around a bit! Not only in my home but in my business... This will be my blog to show my progress and help me keep my sanity...LOL
So...One plastic bag at a time-Here I go!